209.1 - DEVELOPMENT OF POLICY (01-08-20)

The board has jurisdiction to legislate policy for the school district with the force and effect of law.  Board policy provides the general direction as to what the board wishes to accomplish and why it wishes to accomplish it while allowing the superintendent to implement board policy.

The written policy statements contained in this manual provide guidelines and goals to the citizens, administration, employees and students in the school district community.  The policy statements are the basis for the formulation of regulations by the administration.  The board will determine the effectiveness of the policy statements by evaluating periodic reports from the administration.

Policy statements may be proposed by a board member, administrator, employee, student or member of the school district community.  Proposed policy statements or ideas will be submitted to the superintendent's office for possible placement on the board agenda.  It is the responsibility of the superintendent to bring these proposals to the attention of the board.

 Legal Reference:  Iowa Code §§ 274.1-.2; 279.8 (2013).

                              281 I.A.C. 12.3(2).

                              1970 Op. Att'y Gen. 287.

Cross Reference:  10 - Educational Philosophy of the School District

                              200.2 - Powers of the Board of Directors

                              200.3 - Responsibilities of the Board of Directors

                              209 - Board of Directors' Management Procedures

           Approved:  June 9, 2004                     

          Reviewed:  May 11, 2015;  January 8, 2020                                                                     

209.2 - ADOPTION OF POLICY (01-08-20)

The board will give notice of adoption of new policies by placing the item on the agenda of two regular board meetings.  This notice procedure will be required except for emergency situations.  If the board adopts a policy in an emergency situation, a statement regarding the emergency and the need for immediate adoption of the policy will be included in the minutes.  The board will have complete discretion to determine what constitutes an emergency situation.

The final action taken to adopt the proposed policy will be approved by a simple majority vote of the board at the next regular meeting after the meeting allowing public discussion.  The policy will be effective on the later of the date of passage or the date stated in the motion.

In the case of an emergency, a new or changed policy may be adopted by a majority vote of a quorum of the board.  The emergency policy will expire at the close of the third regular meeting following the emergency action, unless the policy adoption procedure stated above is followed and the policy is reaffirmed.

 Legal Reference:  Iowa Code § 279.8 (2013).

                              281 I.A.C. 12.3(2).

                              1970 Op. Att'y Gen. 287.

Cross Reference:  200.2 - Powers of the Board of Directors

                              200.3 - Responsibilities of the Board of Directors

                              209 - Board of Directors' Management Procedures

           Approved:  June 9, 2004                      

          Reviewed:  May 11, 2015; January 8, 2020 

Board Policy East Buchanan Community Schools

209.3 - DISSEMINATION OF POLICY (01-08-20)

The board policy manual is available electronically.  Persons unable to access the policy manual electronically should contact the board secretary for assistance.

Copies of changes in board policy will also be included in or attached to the minutes of the meetings in which the final action was taken to adopt the new or changed policy.

 Legal Reference:  Iowa Code §§ 277.31; 279.8 (2013).

                              281 I.A.C. 12.3(2).

Cross Reference:  200.3 - Responsibilities of the Board of Directors

                              209 - Board of Directors' Management Procedures

            Approved:  June 9, 2004                      

           Reviewed:  May 11, 2015; January 8, 2020     

Board Policy East Buchanan Community Schools

209.4 - SUSPENSION OF POLICY (01-08-20)

Generally, the board will follow board policy and enforce it equitably.  The board, and only the board, may, in extreme emergencies of a very unique nature, suspend policy.  It is within the discretion of the board to determine when an extreme emergency of a very unique nature exists.  Reasons for

Generally, the board will follow board policy and enforce it equitably.  The board, and only the board, may, in extreme emergencies of a very unique nature, suspend policy.  It is within the discretion of the board to determine when an extreme emergency of a very unique nature exists.  Reasons for suspension of board policy will be documented in board minutes.

 Legal Reference:  Iowa Code § 279.8 (2013).

                              281 I.A.C. 12.3(2).

Cross Reference:  200.3 - Responsibilities of the Board of Directors

                              209 - Board of Directors' Management Procedures

           Approved:  June 9, 2004                      

          Reviewed:  May 11, 2015; January 8, 2020       

Board Policy East Buchanan Community Schools


When there is no board policy in existence to provide guidance on a matter, the superintendent is authorized to act appropriately under the circumstances surrounding the situation keeping in mind the educational philosophy and financial condition of the school district.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to inform the board of the situation and the action taken and to document the action taken.  If needed, the superintendent will draft a proposed policy for the board to consider.


Legal Reference:           Iowa Code § 279.8 (2013).

                                    281 I.A.C. 12.3(2).

Cross Reference:           200.3    Responsibilities of the Board of Directors

                                    209       Board of Directors' Management Procedures

                                    302.4    Superintendent Duties

                                    304       Policy Implementation

Approved    June 9, 2004                     

Reviewed   May 11, 2015; January 8, 2020                                                       


Board Policy East Buchanan Community Schools

209.6 - REVIEW AND REVISION OF POLICY (01-08-2020)

The board shall, at least once every five years, review board policy.  Once the policy has been reviewed, even if no changes were made, a notation of the date of review is made on the face of the policy statement.

The board will review one-fifth of the policy manual annually according to the following subject areas:

  • Board of Directors (Series 200)
  • Administration, Employees (Series 300 and 400)
  • School District, Education Program (Series 100 and 600)
  • Students (Series 500)
  • Noninstructional Operations and Business Services, Buildings and Sites, School District-Community Relations (Series 700, 800 and 900)

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to keep the board informed as to legal changes at both the federal and state levels.  The superintendent will also be responsible for bringing proposed policy statement revisions to the board's attention.

If a policy is revised because of a legal change over which the board has no control or a change which is minor, the policy may be approved at one meeting at the discretion of the board.


Legal Reference:           Iowa Code § 279.8 (2013).

                                    281 I.A.C. 12.3(2).

Cross Reference:           200.3  Responsibilities of the Board of Directors

                                    209     Board of Directors' Management Procedures

Approved   June 9, 2004                      

Reviewed   May 11, 2015; January 8, 2020                                                       


Board Policy East Buchanan Community Schools


Board policy sets the direction for the administration of the education program and school district operations.  Some policies require administrative regulations for implementation.

It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop administrative regulations to implement the board policies.  The regulations, including handbooks, will be approved by the board prior to their use in the school district.

The administrative regulations will be available no later than the first regular board meeting after the adoption of the board policy unless the board directs otherwise.


Legal Reference:           Iowa Code §§ 279.8, .20 (2013).

Cross Reference:           200.3    Responsibilities of the Board of Directors

                                    209       Board of Directors' Management Procedures

Approved   June 9, 2004                      

Reviewed  May 11, 2015;  January 8, 2020                                                       


Board Policy East Buchanan Community Schools