The East Buchanan CSD believes good health is important to job performance. School bus drivers will present evidence of good health upon initial hire and every other year in the form of a physical examination report, unless otherwise required by law or medical opinion.
The cost of the initial examination will be paid by the employee. The form indicating the employee is able to perform the duties, with or without reasonable accommodation, for which the employee was hired, must be returned prior to the performance of duties. The cost of bus driver renewal physicals will be paid by the school district in full after the bus driver has completed and passed the required training and upon submission of a formal request to the business office for reimbursement. The school district will provide the standard examination form to be completed by the personal physician of the employee or a certified medical examiner for bus drivers.
Employees whose physical or mental health, in the judgment of the administration, may be in doubt will submit to additional examinations to the extent job-related and consistent with business necessity, when requested to do so, at the expense of the school district.
The district will comply with occupational safety and health requirements as applicable to its employees in accordance with law.
Legal Reference: 29 C.F.R. Pt. 1910.1030
49 C.F.R. §§ 391.41 – 391.49
Iowa Code §§ 20.9; 279.8, 321.376
281 I.A.C. 12.4(14); 43.15 -.20.
Cross Reference: 403 Communicable Diseases-Employees
Approved: March 8, 2006
Last Reviewed: February 8, 2023
The board authorizes the administration to make a payroll deduction for employees' tax sheltered annuity premiums purchased from any company the employee chooses or through an Iowa-licensed salesperson selected by the employee. However, the district will abide by IRS rulings concerning tax sheltered annuities.
Employees wishing to have payroll deductions for tax sheltered annuities will make a written request to the business manager.
The requirements stated in the Master Contract between employees in that collective bargaining unit and the board regarding the tax sheltered annuities of such employees will be followed.
Legal Reference: Iowa Code §§ 20.9; 260C; 273; 294.16 (1995).
1988 Op. Att'y Gen. 38.
1976 Op. Att'y Gen. 462, 602.
1966 Op. Att'y Gen. 211, 220.
Cross Reference: 706 Payroll Procedures
Approved March 8, 2000 Reviewed January 12, 2011 Revised
When an employee becomes seriously injured on the job, the building principal will notify a member of the family, or an individual of close relationship, as soon as the building principal becomes aware of the injury.
If possible, an employee may administer emergency or minor first aid. An injured employee will be turned over to the care of the employee's family or qualified medical employees as quickly as possible. The school district is not responsible for medical treatment of an injured employee.
It is the responsibility of the employee injured on the job to inform the superintendent within twenty-four hours of the occurrence. It is the responsibility of the employee's immediate supervisor to file an accident report within twenty-four hours after the employee reported the injury.
It is the responsibility of the board secretary to file worker’s comp claims.
Legal Reference: Iowa Code §§ 85; 279.40; 613.17
Cross Reference: 409.2 Employee Leaves of Absence
Approved: March 8, 2006
Last Reviewed: February 8, 2023
Employees with a communicable disease will be allowed to perform their customary employment duties provided they are able to perform the essential functions of their position and their presence does not create a substantial risk of illness or transmission to students or other employees. The term "communicable disease" will mean an infectious or contagious disease spread from person to person, or animal to person, or as defined by law.
Prevention and control of communicable diseases is included in the school district's bloodborne pathogens exposure control plan. The procedures will include scope and application, definitions, exposure control, methods of compliance, universal precautions, vaccination, post-exposure evaluation, follow-up, communication of hazards to employees and record keeping. This plan is reviewed annually by the superintendent and school nurse.
The health risk to immunodepressed employees is determined by their personal physician. The health risk to others in the school district environment from the presence of an employee with a communicable disease is determined on a case-by-case basis by the employee's personal physician, a physician chosen by the school district or public health officials.
Health data of an employee is confidential and it will not be disclosed to third parties. Employee medical records are kept in a file separate from their personal file.
It is the responsibility of the superintendent, in conjunction with the school nurse, to develop administrative regulations stating the procedures for dealing with employees with a communicable disease.
Legal Reference: 29 U.S.C. §§ 794, 1910
42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 et seq.
45 C.F.R. Pt. 84.3
Iowa Code chs. 139; 141A
641 I.A.C. 1.2-.7.
Cross Reference: 401.5 Employee Records
403.1 Employee Physical Examinations
507.3 Communicable Diseases – Students
907 District Operation During Public Emergencies
Approved: March 8, 2006
Last Reviewed: February 8, 2023
Universal precautions (UP) are intended to prevent transmission of infection, as well as decrease the risk of exposure for employees and students. It is not currently possible to identify all infected individuals, thus precautions must be used with every individual. UP pertain to blood and other potentially infectious materials (OPIM) containing blood. These precautions do not apply to other body fluids and wastes (OBFW) such as saliva, sputum, feces, tears, nasal secretions, vomitus and urine unless blood is visible in the material. However, these OBFW can be sources of other infections and should be handled as if they are infectious. The single most important step in preventing exposure to and transmission of any infection is anticipating potential contact with infectious materials in routine as well as emergency situations. Based on the type of possible contact, employees and students should be prepared to use the appropriate precautions prior to the contact. Diligent and proper hand washing, the use of barriers, appropriate disposal of waste products and needles, and proper decontamination of spills are essential techniques of infection control. All individuals should respond to situations practicing UP followed by the activation of the school response team plan. Using common sense in the application of these measures will enhance protection of employees and students.
Hand Washing
Proper hand washing is crucial to preventing the spread of infection. Textured jewelry on the hands or wrists should be removed prior to washing and kept off until completion of the procedure and the hands are rewashed. Use of running water, lathering with soap and using friction to clean all hand surfaces is key. Rinse well with running water and dry hands with paper towels.
· Hands should be washed before physical contact with individuals and after contact is completed.
· Hands should be washed after contact with any used equipment.
· If hands (or other skin) come into contact with blood or body fluids, hands should be washed immediately before touching anything else.
· Hands should be washed whether gloves are worn or not and, if gloves are worn, after the gloves are removed.
Barriers anticipated to be used at school include disposable gloves, absorbent materials and resuscitation devices. Their use is intended to reduce the risk of contact with blood and body fluids as well as to control the spread of infectious agents from individual to individual. Gloves should be worn when in contact with blood, OPIM or OBFW. Gloves should be removed without touching the outside and disposed of after each use.
Disposal of Waste
Blood, OPIM, OBFW, used gloves, barriers and absorbent materials should be placed in a plastic bag and disposed of in the usual procedure. When the blood or OPIM is liquid, semi-liquid or caked with dried blood, it is not absorbed in materials, and is capable of releasing the substance if compressed, special disposal as regulated waste is required. A band aid, towel, sanitary napkin or other absorbed waste that does not have the potential of releasing the waste if compressed would not be considered regulated waste. It is anticipated schools would only have regulated waste in the case of a severe incident. Needles, syringes and other sharp disposable objects should be placed in special puncture-proof containers and disposed of as regulated waste. Bodily wastes such as urine, vomitus or feces should be disposed of in the sanitary sewer system.
Clean up
Spills of blood and OPIM should be cleaned up immediately. The employee should:
· Wear gloves.
· Clean up the spill with paper towels or other absorbent material.
· Use a solution of one part household bleach to one hundred parts of water (1:100) or other EPA-approved disinfectant and use it to wash the area well.
· Dispose of gloves, soiled towels and other waste in a plastic bag.
· Clean and disinfect reusable supplies and equipment.
Laundry with blood or OPIM should be handled as little as possible with a minimum of agitation. It should be bagged at the location. If it has the potential of releasing the substance when compacted, regulated waste guidelines should be followed. Employees who have contact with this laundry should wear protective barriers.
An exposure to blood or OPIM through contact with broken skin, mucous membrane or by needle or sharp stick requires immediate washing, reporting and follow-up.
· Always wash the exposed area immediately with soap and water.
· If a mucous membrane splash (eye or mouth) or exposure of broken skin occurs, irrigate or wash the area thoroughly.
· If a cut or needle stick injury occurs, wash the area thoroughly with soap and water.
The exposure should be reported immediately, the parent or guardian is notified, and the person exposed contacts a physician for further health care.
The board authorizes the development of a comprehensive hazardous chemical communication program for the school district to disseminate information about hazardous chemicals in the workplace.
Each employee will annually review information about hazardous substances in the workplace. When a new employee is hired or transferred to a new position or work site, the information and training, if necessary, is included in the employee's orientation. When an additional hazardous substance enters the workplace, information about it is distributed to all employees, and training is conducted for the appropriate employees. The superintendent will maintain a file indicating which hazardous substances are present in the workplace and when training and information sessions take place.
Employees who will be instructing or otherwise working with students will disseminate information about the hazardous chemicals with which they will be working as part of the instructional program.
It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop administrative regulations regarding this program.
Legal Reference: 29 C.F.R. Pt. 1910; 1200 et seq.
Iowa Code chs. 88; 89B
Cross Reference: 804.4 Asbestos Containing Material
Approved: March 8, 2006
Last Reviewed: February 8, 2023
The board expects the school district and its employees to remain substance free. No employee will unlawfully manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, use, or be under the influence of in the workplace any narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbituate, marijuana or any other controlled substance or alcoholic beverage as defined by federal or state law. "Workplace" includes school district facilities, school district premises or school district vehicles. "Workplace" also includes nonschool property if the employee is at any school-sponsored, school-approved or school-related activity, event or function, such as field trips or athletic events where students are under the control of the school district or where the employee is engaged in school business.
If an employee is convicted of a violation of any criminal drug offense committed in the workplace, the employee will notify the employee's supervisor of the conviction within five days of the conviction.
The superintendent will make the determination whether to require the employee to undergo substance abuse treatment or to discipline the employee. An employee who violates the terms of this policy may be subject to discipline up to and including termination. An employee who violates this policy may be required to successfully participate in a substance abuse treatment program approved by the board. If the employee fails to successfully participate in a program, the employee may be subject to discipline up to and including termination.
The superintendent is responsible for publication and dissemination of this policy to each employee. In addition, the superintendent will oversee the establishment of a substance-free awareness program to educate employees about the dangers of substance abuse and notify them of available substance abuse treatment programs.
It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop administrative regulations to implement this policy.
Legal Reference: 41 U.S.C. §§ 701-707 (2012).
42 U.S.C. §§ 12101 et seq. (2012).
34 C.F.R. Pt. 85 (2012).
Iowa Code §§ 123.46; 124; 279.8 (2013).
Cross Reference: 404 Employee Conduct and Appearance
Approved: April 12, 2006
Last Reviewed: February 8, 2023
EMPLOYEES ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED it is a violation of the Substance-Free Workplace policy for an employee to unlawfully manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, use, or be under the influence of in the workplace any narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbituate, marijuana or any other controlled substance or alcohol, as defined in Schedules I through V of section 202 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 812) and as further defined by regulation at 21 C.F.R. 1300.11 through 1300.15 and Iowa Code Chapter 204.
"Workplace" is defined as the site for the performance of work done in the capacity as a employee. This includes school district facilities, other school premises or school district vehicles. Workplace also includes nonschool property if the employee is at any school-sponsored, school-approved or school-related activity, event or function, such as field trips or athletic events where students are under the control of the school district or where the employee is engaged in school business.
Employees who violate the terms of the Substance-Free Workplace policy may be required to successfully participate in a substance abuse treatment program approved by the board. The superintendent retains the discretion to discipline an employee for violation of the Substance-Free Workplace policy. If the employee fails to successfully participate in such a program the employee is subject to discipline up to and including termination.
EMPLOYEES ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED it is a condition of their continued employment that they comply with the above policy of the school district and will notify their supervisor of their conviction of any criminal drug statute for a violation committed in the workplace, no later than five days after the conviction.
I, , have read and understand the Substance-Free Workplace policy. I understand that if I violate the Substance-Free Workplace policy, I may be subject to discipline up to and including termination or I may be required to participate in a substance abuse treatment program. If I fail to successfully participate in a substance abuse treatment program, I understand I may be subject to discipline up to and including termination. I understand that if I am required to participate in a substance abuse treatment program and I refuse to participate, I may be subject to discipline up to and including termination. I also understand that if I am convicted of a criminal drug offense committed in the workplace, I must report that conviction to my supervisor within five days of the conviction.
(Signature of Employee) |
(Date) |
A superintendent who suspects an employee has a substance abuse problem will follow these procedures:
East Buchanan Community School District
Employees who operate school vehicles are subject to drug and alcohol testing if a commercial driver's license is required to operate the school vehicle and the school vehicle transports sixteen or more persons including the driver or the school vehicle weighs twenty-six thousand one pounds or more. For purposes of the drug and alcohol testing program, the term "employees" includes applicants who have been offered a position to operate a school vehicle.
The employees operating a school vehicle as described above are subject to pre-employment drug testing and random, reasonable suspicion and post-accident drug and alcohol testing. Employees operating school vehicles will not perform a safety-sensitive function within four hours of using alcohol. Employees governed by this policy are subject to the drug and alcohol testing program beginning the first day they operate or are offered a position to operate school vehicles and continue to be subject to the drug and alcohol testing program as long as they may be required to perform a safety-sensitive function as it is defined in the administrative regulations. Employees with questions about the drug and alcohol testing program may contact the school district contact person, Superintendent at 414-5th Street, North, Winthrop, Iowa.
Employees who violate the terms of this policy are subject to discipline, up to and, including termination. The district is required to keep a record of all drug or alcohol violations by employees for a minimum of five years. Employees are put on notice that information related to drug or alcohol violations will be reported to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Clearinghouse. Additionally, the district will conduct FMCSA Clearinghouse queries for employees annually. Employees must provide written consent for the district to conduct FMCSA Clearinghouse queries; however, employees who choose to withhold consent will be prohibilited from performing any safety sensitive functions.
It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop administrative regulations to implement this policy in compliance with the law. The superintendent will inform applicants of the requirement for drug and alcohol testing in notices or advertisements for employment.
The superintendent will also be responsible for publication and dissemination of this policy and supporting administrative regulations and forms to employees operating school vehicles. The superintendent will also oversee a substance-free awareness program to educate employees about the dangers of substance abuse and notify them of available substance abuse treatment resources and programs.
IASB Drug and Alcohol Testing Program (IDATP) Web site:
Legal Reference: American Trucking Association, Inc., v. Federal Highway Administration, 51 Fed. 3rd 405 Cir. (4th 1995).
49 U.S.C. §§ 5331 et seq.
42 U.S.C. §§ 12101
41 U.S.C. §§ 81
49 C.F.R. Pt. 40; 382; 391
34 C.F.R. Pt. 85
Local 301, Internat'l Assoc. of Fire Fighters, AFL-CIO, and City of Burlington, PERB No. 3876 (3-26-91).
Iowa Code §§ 124; 279.8; 321.375(2); 730.5
Cross Reference: 403.5 Substance-Free Workplace
409.2 Licensed Employee Personal Illness Leave
414.2 Classified Employee Personal Illness Leave
Approved: November 15, 2017
Last Reviewed: February 8, 2023
EMPLOYEES GOVERNED BY THE DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING POLICY ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED they are subject to the school district's drug and alcohol testing program for pre-employment drug testing and in addition are subject to random, reasonable suspicion and post-accident drug and alcohol testing as outlined in the Drug and Alcohol Testing Program policy, its supporting documents and the law.
Employees who operate school vehicles are subject to drug and alcohol testing if a commercial driver’s license is required to operate the school vehicle and the school vechicle transports sixteen or more persons including the driver or the school vehicle weights twenty-six thousand, one pounds or more. For purposes of the drug and alcohol testing program, "employees" also includes applicants who have been offered a position to operate a school vehicle. The employees operating a school vehicle are subject to the drug and alcohol testing program the first day they are operate or are offered a position to operate a school vehicle and continue to be subject to the drug and alcohol testing program.
It is the responsibility of the superintendent to inform employees of the drug and alcohol testing program requirements. Employees with questions regarding the drug and alcohol testing requirements will contact the school district’s contact person.
EMPLOYEES GOVERNED BY THE DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING POLICY ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that employees violating this policy, its supporting documents, or the law will be subject to discipline up to and including termination.
EMPLOYEES GOVERNED BY THE DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING POLICY ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED it is a condition of their continued employment to comply with the Drug and Alcohol Testing Program policy, its supporting documents and the law. It is a condition of continued employment for employees operating a school vehicle to notify their supervisor of any prescription medication they are using. Drug and alcohol testing records about a driver are confidential and are released in accordance with this policy, its supporting documents or the law.
I, ( ), have received a copy, read and understand the Drug and Alcohol Testing Program policy of the East Buchanan School District and its supporting documents.
I understand that if I violate the Drug and Alcohol Testing Program policy, its supporting documents or the law, I may be subject to discipline up to and including termination.
I also understand that I must inform my supervisor of any prescription medication I use.
In addition, I have received a copy of the U.S. DOT publication, “What Employees Need to Know about DOT Drug & Alcohol Testing,” and have read and understand its contents.
Furthermore, I know and understand that I am required to submit to a controlled substance (drug) test, the results of which must be received by this employer before being employed by the school district and before being allowed to perform a safety-sensitive function. I also understand that if the results of the pre-employment test are positive, that I will not be considered further for employment with the school district.
I further understand that drug and alcohol testing records and information about me are confidential, and may be released at my request or in accordance with the district’s drug and alcohol testing program policy, its supporting documents or the law.
__________________________________________________ ________________________
(Signature of Employee) (Date)