In accordance with state and federal law, the East Buchanan Community School District adopts the following policy to ensure school district employees, families, and students have a shared understanding of expectations regarding meal charges. The policy seeks to allow students to receive the nutrition they need to stay focused during the school day, prevent the overt identification of students with insufficient funds to pay for school meals, and maintain the financial integrity of the nonprofit school nutrition program.
Payment of Meals
All meal purchases are to be prepaid before meal service begins. Families may add money to student accounts via electronic payment options, pay at the school office, etc. When the account is nearing a negative balance of $10 per child the family will receive an email. Once the account balance has reached a -$40 the parent/guardian will receive a letter or phone call from the Food Service Director. When the student's account reaches a negative balance of -$40, they will not be allowed to purchase a la carte items unless the funds are deposited into the account.
Students who qualify for free meals shall never be denied a reimbursable meal, even if they have accrued a negative balance from previous purchases. Schools are encouraged to provide a reimbursable meal to students with outstanding meal charge debt. If an alternate meal is provided, the meal must be the same meal presented in the same manner to any student requesting an alternate meal. Students will never be denied a reimbursable meal, even if they have accrued a negative balance, we will provide a reimbursable meal to students with an outstanding meal charge debt.
Employees may use a charge account for meals, but may charge no more than $0.00 to this account. When an account reaches this limit, an employee shall not be allowed to charge further meals or a la carte items until the negative account balance is paid.
Negative Account Balances
The school district will make reasonable efforts to notify parents or guardians when meal account balances are low. Additionally, the school district will make reasonable efforts to collect unpaid meal charges classified as delinquent debt. The school district will coordinate communications with families to resolve the matter of unpaid charges. Parents or guardians will be notified when $10 remains in the account by an automated e-mail notification system or letters sent by mail to the home. Negative account balances of -$40 or more will receive a letter or phone call from the Food Service Director. Negative balances of more than $40.00, not paid within 10 days of notification will be turned over to the superintendent or superintendent’s designee for collection. Options may include: collection agencies, small claims court, or any other legal method permitted by law.
Unpaid Student Meals Account
The district will establish an unpaid student meals account in a school nutrition fund. Funds from private sources and funds from the district flexibility account may be deposited into the unpaid school meals account in accordance with law. Funds deposited into this account from private sources shall be used only to pay individual student meal debt. Funds deposited into this account from the district flexibility account shall be used to pay individual student meal debt as specified in the flexibility funds resolution.
Communication of the Policy
The policy and supporting information regarding meal charges shall be provided in writing to:
All households at or before the start of each school year;
Students and families who transfer into the district, at time of transfer; and
All staff responsible for enforcing any aspect of the policy.
Records of how and when the policy and supporting information was communicated to households and staff will be retained.
It is the responsibility of the superintendent to develop an administrative process to implement this policy.
Legal Reference: 42 U.S.C. §§ 1751 et seq.
7 C.F.R. §§ 210 et seq.
U.S. Dep’t of Agric., SP 46-2016, Unpaid Meal Charges: Local Meal Charge Policies (2016).
U.S. Dep’t of Agric., SP 47-2016, Unpaid Meal Charges: Clarification on Collection of Delinquent Meal Payments (2016).
U.S. Dep’t of Agric., SP 57-2016, Unpaid Meal Charges: Guidance and Q&A (2016).
Iowa Code 283A.
281 I.A.C. 58.
Cross Reference: 710.1 School Food Program
710.2 Free or Reduced Cost Meals Eligibility
710.3 Vending Machine
Approved: April 9, 2008
Reviewed: February 8, 2023; August 14, 2024
Board Policy East Buchanan Community