2024-08 August 26, 2024 Special Meeting Minutes

East Buchanan Community School District

Special Board Meeting Minutes – August 26, 2024

Call to Order - President Andy Sperfslage called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.  The board recited the East Buchanan Mission Statement.  Board members present were Scott Cooksley, Andrew Maas, Tim Recker, Andy Sperfslage, and Heather Steffens.  Administrative staff attending were Superintendent Kory Kelchen, MS/HS Principal Eric Dockstader, Dean of Students Nathan Reck, and Business Manager/Board Secretary Teresa Knipper.  Motion carried with all ayes unless otherwise noted.

Approve Agenda – Motion by Maas, second by Recker to approve the agenda.

Approve Consent Agenda - Motion by Cooksley, second by Recker to approve the consent agenda.  Items included on the Consent Agenda:  Resignation of Raynae Zingg as associate; approval of Tyler Williams and Keaton Kelly as volunteer football coaches; hiring of Katelin Dennie as associate; hiring of Mac Meyer as MS boys wrestling coach; and Kevin Hesner as HS boys golf coach.

Attendance Policy Changes - Kelchen presented guidance from the IDOE and the scenarios that the local board determines if they are exempt or not.  New policies 501.09 and 501.09R1 were presented with the recommendation to rescind policies 501.10 and 501.10R1.  Motion by Recker, second by Maas to approve the policies as presented with all local discretion scenarios as excused  Aye:  Recker, Maas  Nay:  Steffens, Cooksley, Sperfslage.  Motion by Steffens, second by Cooksley to approve the policies with the local discretion scenarios as students are allowed up to 2 excused absences without medical documentation.  Aye:  Steffens, Cooksley, Sperfslage.  Nay:  Maas, Recker.  Motion carried.

AgVantage FS Contract - Motion by Recker, second by Cooksley to approve option 2 as presented for the propane heating firm price contract with AgVantage FS.

#BucPr1de – Two days down!  Elementary rules and expectations were provided to the students.  The shop looks great and shout-out to middle school for helping with the back to school night meal.

Adjourn – Motion by Cooksley, second by Steffens to adjourn the meeting at 6:48 pm.  

The above are not official minutes until approved at the next regular board meeting.  A copy of the official minutes may be viewed in the office of the Board Secretary any Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.