East Buchanan Community School District
Regular Board Meeting Minutes – September 11, 2024
Call to Order - President Andy Sperfslage called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm. The board recited the East Buchanan Mission Statement. Board members present were Scott Cooksley, Andrew Maas, Tim Recker, Andy Sperfslage, and Heather Steffens. Administrators attending were Superintendent Kory Kelchen, MS/HS Principal Eric Dockstader, Dean of Students Nathan Reck, and Business Manager/Board Secretary Teresa Knipper. Several visitors attended the meeting. Motion carried with all ayes unless otherwise noted.
Approve Agenda – Motion by Steffens, second by Recker to approve the agenda.
Approve Consent Agenda - Motion by Cooksley, second by Recker to approve the consent agenda. Items included on the Consent Agenda: minutes from the regular meeting on August 14, 2024; minutes from the special meeting on August 26, 2024; hiring of Sarah Francois and Nicole Reck for substitute calling; expenditures listed; and financial reports.
Administrative Updates and Reports – Reck reported the welcome back night was a huge success with the MS Leader in Me team planning the meal, the first assembly was held with speaker Dean Jacobs talking about dreaming big, and the elementary is working as a team embracing the changes being made. Dockstader reported the Buchanan County Honor Guard held a 9/11 remembrance ceremony at EB, the MS/HS students attended the Dean Jacobs assembly, and that homecoming is September 29th through October 5th. Kelchen reported the VPPEL passed and that the door security installation project begins the week of September 16th.
Amendment to 24-25 Student Handbooks - Motion by Steffens, second by Cooksley to approve the changes to the 24-25 student handbooks to reflect the changes in attendance according to the state.
24-25 Preschool Handbook - Motion by Cooksley, second by Recker to approve the 24-25 Preschool Handbook as presented.
Flexible Seating - Kelchen will get quotes for flexible seating.
24-25 School Calendar Change - Due to the district hosting girls regional wrestling, Kelchen requested that the board approve a 1:25 dismissal on January 31, 2025. Motion by Recker, second by Cooksley to approve the 1:25 dismissal on January 31, 2025.
Amendment to Hawkeye Community College service agreement - Motion by Recker, second by Maas to approve the amendment to the Hawkeye Community College joint education service agreement.
Board Policy Review - Motion by Steffens, second by Recker to approve the first reading of board policy 501.15 as presented. Motion by Steffens, second by Cooksley to approve the second reading of board policies 103, 103.R1, 106, 605.3E4, 710.1E1, and 711.8.
BucPr1de - Machacek taking students to Harmony, MN for a cave field trip, the honor guard 9/11 remembrance ceremony, and the Dean Jacobs assembly.
Student Questions - Students asked about the security camera project, change to the school calendar on January 31, 2025, flexible seating, open enrollment changes, broken display case, open campus, and future of air conditioning.
Adjourn – Motion by Maas, second by Recker to adjourn the meeting at 5:30 pm.
The above are not official minutes until approved at the next regular board meeting. A copy of the official minutes may be viewed in the office of the Board Secretary any Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.