EAST BUCHANAN CSD - Regular Board Meeting Minutes – March 8, 2023
Call to Order - President Andy Sperfslage called the meeting to order at 5:01 pm. The board recited the East Buchanan Mission Statement. Board members present were Scott Cooksley, Tim Recker, Andy Sperfslage, and Heather Steffens. Board member Shawn Stone was absent. Administration attending were Superintendent Dan Fox, HS/MS Principal Eric Dockstader, Elementary Principal Jacklyn Letzring, and Business Manager/Board Secretary Teresa Knipper. Several visitors attended the meeting. Motion carried with all ayes unless otherwise noted.
Public Forum – Kenny Berns addressed the board regarding board policy 104 Anti-bullying/Anti-Harassment.
Approve Agenda - Motion by Cooksley, second by Steffens to approve the agenda.
Approve Consent Agenda - Motion by Steffens, second by Recker to approve the consent agenda. Items included on the Consent Agenda: minutes from the regular meeting on February 8, 2023; resignations of Cheryl Beatty as librarian and Denise Rorabaugh as at-risk teacher; transfers of Troy Ersland from MS teacher to HS special education teacher and Paula McGraw from HS guidance counselor to at-risk teacher; retirements per board policy of Cheryl Beatty, Shirley Pillard and Byron Reeder; expenditures listed; and financial reports.
Administrative Updates and Reports – Nurse Tracy explained policy 804.5 and requested that the district stock EpiPen and Narcan. Letzring reported Illustrative Math is being used in K, 2nd, and 3rd grades to align with standards, 4th grade went to the Grout Museum, a fundraiser was held for Day of Awesomeness, ISASP testing will be at the end of March, conferences were held, and students participated in World Read Aloud Day. Dockstader reported ISASP testing begins March 20th and the career fair was held on March 8th. The East Buc Archers thanked the board for being able to use the facilities and gave an update on the program’s success. They appreciate that staff helped promote the activity in PE and at Camp Wapsi. Fox recommends that the buildings and grounds sharing agreement with Independence continue next year; however, the food service director sharing agreement will not be continued next year. The continuation of the transportation sharing agreement with Alburnett will be discussed with their new superintendent. Fox also reported that the food service program passed inspection, the district is considering the purchase of a 12-passenger van, and he gave an update on this year’s student attendance as compared to last year. Construction on the track is scheduled for April 1st. A work session will be held on March 13, 2023 to discuss FY24 certified budget, playground plans, and school safety.
22-23 School Calendar Update – Fox reported the number of cancelled/late start/early dismissal days due to weather and requested that the board dismiss two professional development days for staff so that May 25th is the last student day and May 26th is the last teacher day if there are no other days cancelled. Motion by Steffens, second by Recker to approve his request as presented.
23-24 Certified Budget Public Hearing Date – Motion by Cooksley, second by Steffens to hold the public hearing for the 23-24 certified budget on April 12, 2023 at 5:00 pm. A work session will be held on March 13, 2023 at 5:00 pm regarding the certified budget.
23-24 School Calendar Public Hearing Date – Motion by Recker, second by Cooksley to hold the public hearing for the 23-24 school calendar on April 12, 2023 at 5:05 pm.
FY22 Audit Report – Motion by Cooksley, second by Steffens to approve the FY22 audit report as presented.
ISJIT maximum deposit increase – Motion by Recker, second by Steffens to increase the maximum deposit of Iowa Schools Joint Investment Trust from $2 million to $10 million maximum deposit.
School Safety – Fox reported that he is still working on the safety assessment for the grant to get door stoppers for the rest of middle school, a key fob system, cameras, and an alarm system for propped doors. Keys currently used will no longer work after the key fob system is installed.
Playground – The equipment is here. The board will meet in a work session to discuss where the playground will be installed.
Board Policy Review – Motion by Cooksley, second by Steffens to approve the first reading of policies 804.5 and 405 through 407.5 series as discussed.
#BucPr1de – Career Day went well and the students asked the speakers good questions.
Student Questions – Students asked about an update on the HS science teacher position, the possibility of online learning for cancelled school days, and if semesters will be an option for the 24-25 school year.
Adjourn – Motion by Recker, second by Steffens to adjourn the meeting at 6:25 pm.
The above are not official minutes until approved at the next regular board meeting. A copy of the official minutes may be viewed in the office of the Board Secretary any Monday through Friday between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm.