East Buchanan Community School District - Board Meeting Minutes – December 11, 2019
Call to Order: President Greg Schmitt called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm. The board recited the East Buchanan Mission Statement. Members present: Scott Cooksley, Greg Schmitt, Andy Sperfslage, Heather Steffens, and Shawn Stone. Administration present: Dan Fox, Superintendent/Elementary Principal; Eric Dockstader, MS/HS Principal ; Teresa Knipper, Business Manager/Board Secretary. Several visitors were present. Motions carried with all ayes unless otherwise noted.
Public Forum: None.
Approve Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda with was made by Stone, second by Steffens.
Approve Consent Agenda: Motion to approve the Consent Agenda was made by Stone, second by Cooksley. Items included on the Consent Agenda: minutes from the regular meeting on November 13th, minutes from the work session on December 4th, financial reports, and expenditures listed.
Community/Program Presentations: None
Administrative Reports: Dockstader talked about the MS/HS concert scheduled for December 16th with a taco bar fundraiser, ISASP scores are being sent out to parents, and that Nicole Reck is doing a great job as the new high school secretary. Fox gave a presentation on the ISASP data. He also mentioned how great the new facilities are for concerts in both sound and setup. Fox updated the board on the facilities that there are a lot of little things to finish on the building project and that there is discussion about in-floor heat for the greenhouse.
Approve SIAC member list: Motion to approve the School Improvement Advisory Committee (SIAC) member list was made by Steffens, second by Stone.
Approve request to SBRC for MSA: Stone moved to approve request to the School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) for Modified Supplemental Amount and Supplemental Aid for the 2020-2021 Dropout Prevention Program in the amount of $125,394.00 for expenditures necessary to implement the 2020-2021 at-risk and dropout prevention program plans as approved by the East Buchanan CSD school board. The motion was seconded by Sperfslage. Motion carried with all ayes.
Appoint Buchanan County Conference Board representative: Andy Sperfslage agreed to be the school district representative.
Certified Personnel Retirement Policy: Motion to approve Policy 407.6 as read was made by Sperfslage, second by Cooksley.
Classified Employee Retirement Policy: Motion to approve Policy 413.2 as read was made by Stone, second by Steffens.
Quarterly Policy Updates: Motion by Stone, second by Cooksley to approve the changes to policy language on policies 200.1R1, 202.4, 210.5, 210.6, 210.11, 211, 216.2, 404.R1, 711.7, 711.10, and 711.11. Motion by Steffens, second by Stone to approve the administrative changes to policies 100, 200.1, 206.4, 210.1, and 215.
Board Policy Review – 1st Reading: Motion by Steffens, second by Cooksley to approve 1st reading with changes to policies 402.2, 200.2, 200.3, 209.1 – 209.7.
Buccaneer Brag About – Fox received an email from a school about the new gym and its location within the building being convenient. Dance team placed 5th at state.
Student Questions – Two students asked questions of the board.
Adjourn – Motion was made by Stone, second by Spersflage to adjourn the meeting at 6:40 pm.
Next regular meeting is scheduled for January 8, 2020 at 5:00 pm.
The above are not official minutes until approved at the next regular board meeting. A copy of the official minutes may be viewed in the office of the Board Secretary any Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.