East Buchanan Community School District - Board Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2019
Call to Order: President Greg Schmitt called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm. The board recited the East Buchanan Mission Statement. Members present: Aaron Cook, Scott Cooksley, Greg Schmitt, Chad Staton, and Shawn Stone. Administration present: Dan Fox, Superintendent/Elementary Principal; Eric Dockstader, MS/HS Principal ; Teresa Knipper, Business Manager/Board Secretary. Several visitors were present. Motions carried with all ayes unless otherwise noted.
Public Forum: None.
Approve Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda with changes was made by Cook, second by Staton.
Approve Minutes: Motion to approve the minutes from the regular meeting on October 9, 2019 was made by Staton, second by Stone.
Board Policy Review: Motion to approve the 2nd reading of Policy 604.10 was made by Staton, second by Cooksley.
Acceptance of Abstract of Election: Results of the election were presented as Shawn Stone for District 2, Heather Steffens for District 3, and Andy Sperfslage for Director at Large. Motion to accept the abstract of election was made by Cook, second by Staton.
Buccaneer Brag-About: The board thanked Aaron Cook and Chad Staton for their dedication to the district as school board members. Cook responded that it was a pleasure to be on the board. Staton recommended that everyone should serve at least one term as a school board member.
Adjourn: Motion was made by Staton, second by Cook to adjourn the annual meeting at 5:05 pm.
Call to Order: The organizational meeting was called to order at 5:06 pm by the board secretary.
Oath of office to new board members: The board secretary administered the Oath of Office to newly elected board members Heather Steffens and Andy Sperfslage.
Election of officers: Schmitt was nominated as president. No other nominations were made. Cooksley noted that all nominations cease. Motion carried with all ayes. Greg Schmitt was declared President for the 2019-2020 school year. Secretary Knipper administered the Oath of Office to Schmitt as president. President Schmitt took over as chair of the meeting. Stone was nominated as vice-president. No other nominations were made. Cooksley noted that all nominations cease. Motion carried with all ayes. Shawn Stone was declared Vice-President for the 2019-2020 school year. Secretary Knipper administered the Oath of Office to Stone.
Name Official Publication: Motion by Stone, second by Cooksley to name The Winthrop News as the official publication.
Review and Approve Depositories: Motion was made by Stone, second by Steffens to approve $10 million maximum deposit at Citizens State Bank and $2 million maximum deposit at ISJIT.
Employee Handbook Committee: Stone and Steffens agreed to be on the employee handbook committee.
Approve Consent Agenda: Motion to approve the Consent Agenda was made by Cooksley, second by Stone. Items included on the Consent Agenda: financial reports, expenditures listed, resignation of Paula McGraw as MS volleyball coach, hiring of Andrea Hughson as MS girls basketball coach, and hiring of Melvin Campbell as bus driver.
Community/Program Presentations: Central Rivers ADA Regional Administrator Josh Johnson and board member Dennis Craun Jr presented information to the board about AEA services available to the district.
Administrative Reports: Dockstader reported that the trimester ends on November 14th with the high school having finals and there is professional development on November 15th. The talent show went well and students are busy with winter activities already. Data shows that the at risk teaching position is making a difference. Fox gave an update on the instructional coaches and the “I can” statement contest. He discussed the schedule for the November 15th elementary professional development day and that conferences are on November 21st and 25th. Fox updated the board that the lighting is still not complete and there are a few things to finish for the construction project and greenhouse.
IASB Convention: Fox and Steffens will be attending the IASB Convention on Wednesday, November 20th. Schmitt and Cooksley will be attending on Thursday, November 21st.
SBRC Application for Open Enrollment Out not in Fall 2018: Motion was made by Stone, second by Cooksley to approve the SBRC Application for Open Enrollment Out not in Fall 2018 in the amount of $40,416.
Approve SIAC member list: Tabled until next month.
Annual Board Policy Review: Motion was made by Cooksley, second by Stone to table the retirement policy review and to have a work session on December 4th at 6:00 pm in the library.
Buccaneer Brag About – The board commented on how many members are in archery and they welcomed the new school board members.
Student Questions – None
Adjourn – Motion was made by Cooksley, second by Stone to adjourn the meeting at 6:19 pm.
Work session is scheduled for December 4, 2019 at 6:00 pm.
Next regular meeting is scheduled for December 11, 2019 at 5:00 pm.
The above are not official minutes until approved at the next regular board meeting. A copy of the official minutes may be viewed in the office of the Board Secretary any Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.