East Buchanan Community School District
Regular Board Meeting Minutes – May 13, 2020
Call to Order: President Greg Schmitt called the meeting to order at 5:04 pm. The board recited the East Buchanan Mission Statement.
Roll Call: The meeting was held electronically as per Iowa Code 21.8 due to Covid-19 pandemic. Attending electronically were board members Greg Schmitt, Shawn Stone, Scott Cooksley, Andy Sperfslage, and Heather Steffens. Administration attending electronically were Dan Fox, Superintendent/Elementary Principal; Eric Dockstader, MS/HS Principal ; Teresa Knipper, Business Manager/Board Secretary. Several visitors attended electronically.
Approve Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda with the exempt session and non-master contract salary approval items tabled until the June meeting and the 2020-2021 school calendar revision removed was made by Stone, second by Cooksley. Motion carried with all ayes.
Approve Consent Agenda: Motion to approve the Consent Agenda was made by Stone, second by Sperfslage. Motion carried with all ayes. Items included on the Consent Agenda: minutes from the regular meeting on April 8, 2020; financial reports; expenditures listed; resignation of Kayla Gallup as HS volleyball coach; resignation of Pat Schloss as teacher, athletic director, and coach; and the hiring of Alyson Franck as teacher.
Administrative Updates and Reports: Administration updated the board on what staff members are doing throughout the district during the shutdown. The teaching staff continues to communicate with parents and students, the lunch program will continue deliveries until May 28th, and school supplies from classrooms/lockers were delivered to students via bus routes. Return to Learn plans are due July 1, 2020 for the 2020-2021 school year.
Facilities Update: Custodians are back to working full time. The sidewalk project is complete.
2020 Graduation List – Motion by Stone, second by Steffens to approve the list of 2020 graduates. Motion carried with all ayes.
2020-2021 Master Contract – Motion by Stone, second by Cooksley to approve the master contract with a teacher base increase of $445.00 and classified base increase of $ .35. Motion carried with all ayes. A motion was later made to correct the teacher base increase of $545.00 by Sperfslage, second by Stone. Motion carried with all ayes.
2020-2021 Operational Sharing Agreement with Alburnett – Motion by Steffens, second by Sperfslage to approve the 2020-2021 Operational Sharing Agreement with Alburnett for Transportation Supervisor/Mechanic. Motion carried with all ayes.
2019-2020 School Calendar Revision: Dan Fox presented the revisions to the 2019-2020 calendar due to COVID-19. The last student day is May 22, 2020 and the last teacher day is May 27, 2020. Motion by Sperfslage, second by Stone to approve the changes. Motion carried with all ayes.
Drivers Education agreement with Precision Drive LLC. – Motion by Cooksley, second by Steffens to approve the agreement with Precision Drive LLC for drivers education. Motion carried with all ayes.
Board Policy Review – 2nd Reading: Motion by Stone, second by Sperfslage to approve the 2nd reading with changes as discussed of the 414 policy series. Motion carried with all ayes.
Buccaneer Brag About – Plant sales from the greenhouse were a success. The awards recognition presentation went well. Students have enjoyed being able to take extra library books home.
Adjourn – Motion was made by Stone, second by Sperfslage to adjourn the meeting at 6:22 pm. Motion carried with all ayes.
Next regular meeting is scheduled for June 10, 2020 at 5:00 pm.
The above are not official minutes until approved at the next regular board meeting. A copy of the official minutes may be viewed in the office of the Board Secretary any Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.