East Buchanan Community School District
Regular Board Meeting Minutes – April 8, 2020
Call to Order: President Greg Schmitt called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm. The board recited the East Buchanan Mission Statement.
Roll Call: The meeting was held electronically as per Iowa Code 21.8 due to Covid-19 pandemic. Attending electronically were board members Greg Schmitt, Shawn Stone, Scott Cooksley, Andy Sperfslage, and Heather Steffens. Administration attending electronically were Dan Fox, Superintendent/Elementary Principal; Eric Dockstader, MS/HS Principal ; Teresa Knipper, Business Manager/Board Secretary. Several visitors attended electronically.
Approve Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda was made by Stone, second by Cooksley. Motion carried with all ayes.
Public Hearing for FY21 Budget: President Schmitt called for a motion to open the public hearing at 5:05 pm. Motion to open the public hearing was made by Stone, second by Steffens. Secretary Knipper explained that the state approved a 2.3% SSA since the budget was published and presented the new rate based on this change. There were no comments from the public. Motion to close the public hearing was made by Stone, second by Sperfslage at 5:06 pm. Motion carried with all ayes.
Approve Consent Agenda: Motion to approve the Consent Agenda was made by Stone, second by Steffens. Motion carried with all ayes. Items included on the Consent Agenda: minutes from the regular meeting on March 11, 2020 and the work session on March 25, 2020; financial reports; expenditures listed; resignations of Tammy Naber as associate and Jennifer Aldrich as teacher; and the hiring of Mercedes McCloy as teacher, Justin Kress as teacher, and Adam Halford as transportation supervisor & mechanic.
Administrative Updates and Reports: Administration explained how the voluntary status during this time is being implemented in regards to staff communicating with students and parents. Staff members are also holding meetings with each other electronically and reporting to administration on what they are doing. The district is providing meals through the summer lunch program in conjunction with Independence. Meals are prepared at Independence by staff of both districts and then delivered to sites throughout the East Buchanan school district. Other staff members are working as needed.
Facilities Update: Bids were presented to the board for the sidewalk and baseball bleacher pad projects. Bids for both projects were received by Webb Concrete and McGraw Construction. Motion by Cooksley, second by Stone to approve the bid from Webb Concrete for the sidewalk for $15,400. Motion by Steffens, second by Stone to approve the bid from McGraw Construction for the baseball bleacher pad for $7,494.50. Motions carried with all ayes. Fox asked the board what they wanted to do with the old bleachers from the ball fields. Motion was made by Cooksley, second by Stone to scrap the bleachers for safety reasons. Motion carried with all ayes.
FY21 Budget Approval – Motion by Steffens, second by Stone to approve the budget and taxes for FY21 as presented with a levy rate of 13.85911. Motion carried with all ayes.
FY21 Budget Adjustment Resolution – Motion by Stone, second by Cooksley to approve the resolution. Motion carried with all ayes. The president declared the resolution adopted as follows: RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of East Buchanan Community School District, will levy property taxes for fiscal year 2020-2021 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa.
FY21 Resolution Authorizing Redemption & First Amendment to Escrow Agreement – Board member Sperfslage introduced the Resolution and moved its adoption. Board member Cooksley seconded the motion to adopt. The roll was called and the following directors voted: Ayes: Cooksley, Stone, Sperfslage, Steffens, Schmitt; Nays: none. The president declared the resolution adopted as follows: Resolution Authorizing the Redemption of General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2017, Dated May 1, 2017, Approving the First Amendment to the Escrow Agent Agreement, and Levying a Tax for Fiscal Year 2020-21 for the Redemption of General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2017, Dated May 1, 2017.
Timberline Billing Service LLC agreement for Medicaid billing services: Motion by Steffens, second by Cooksley to approve the agreement with Timberline Billing Service LLC. Motion carried with all ayes.
Pandemic Response and Emergency Suspension of Policy Resolution: Superintendent Fox presented updates to the previous pandemic resolution approved at the March 25th work session in regards to continuing to pay employees through the end of the fiscal year. Motion by Stone, second by Steffens to approve the updated resolution. Motion carried with all ayes. Resolution is as follows:
WHEREAS, Iowa Code Ch. 279.8 authorizes local school boards to govern their respective districts, including adopting policies for their own governance; and
WHEREAS the Board may, by formal, action suspend or rescind board policy as deemed necessary, appropriate or in the best interests of the District; and
WHEREAS, on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization characterized COVID-19 as a pandemic; and
WHEREAS, on March 13, 2020, the President of the United States declared a national state of emergency and on March 15, 2020 Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds recommended closure of all public and private K-12 schools in Iowa until April 13, 2020 to contain the spread of COVID-19; and
WHEREAS, on March 17, 2020, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds declared a State of Public Health Disaster Emergency under the authority granted through Iowa Constitution, Art. IV, §§ 1, 8 and Iowa Code §§ 29C.6(1), 135.140(6), and 135.144 and directed implementation of the Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management’s Iowa Emergency Response Plan in response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19); and
WHEREAS, most hourly non-exempt employees will be unable to report to work due to the District’s closure and certified contract employees may be asked to work at remote locations to help provide continuity in educational services; and
WHEREAS, it fulfills a public purpose to continue to pay District hourly and classified non-exempt employees during this closure to prevent or contain the spread of COVID-19, to promote morale and to help retain current employees following the closure; and
WHEREAS, on March 17, 2020 the Iowa Legislature passed and the Governor signed SF 2408 granting waiver of the instructional time requirements in Iowa Code Ch. 279.10 for all public school districts closing before April 12, 2020 in order to prevent or contain the spread of COVID-19; and granting Governor Reynolds the ability to waive instructional time requirements for any public school district which closes on or after April 12, 2020 to prevent or contain the spread of COVID-19; and
WHEREAS, on April 2, 2020 Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds recommended extended closure of all public and private K-12 schools in Iowa until April 30, 2020 to contain the spread of COVID-19; and
WHEREAS, the Iowa Department of Education, which has the authority to establish and interpret graduation requirements, and to oversee other crucial aspects of public education is providing written guidance to Iowa school districts on issues related to COVID -19, including but not limited to student attendance, distance/online learning, high school credit, meal distribution, and other issues; and
WHEREAS, the Iowa Department of Education issued COVID-19 Guidance: Provision of Continuous Learning. This guidance allows school districts to provide either voluntary educational enrichment opportunities to students or required educational services. Voluntary educational enrichment opportunities include educational opportunities provide to students where participation by students is not required and will not be graded other than voluntary completion of concurrent enrollment courses and credit recovery. Required educational services include educational services provided to students who are required to participate. Student work may be graded and credit may be awarded. Equity must be provided for and AEA services resume, to the extent possible, for required educational services. Competencies attained through either voluntary or required educational services may be considered; if done on a voluntary basis they may only be considered after school returns to session.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the East Buchanan School Board hereby suspends provisions of its board policies and/or whole policies, as identified by the District Superintendent or designee, if such suspension is necessary to implement written guidance from state or federal agencies relating to containing COVID-19 for the duration identified in the Governor’s State of Public Health Emergency declaration of March 17, 2020, or as otherwise determined by the Board.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District Superintendent will consult with and report to the Board as feasible and appropriate regarding the emergency closure and efforts to implement written guidance from health and government agencies.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District Superintendent is authorized to close any school facility without further action by the Board of Directors. Such closure shall continue during the emergency created by the COVID-19 pandemic until such time as the Superintendent, in consultation with appropriate health and government authorities, deems it in the best interests of the District and its students to open schools.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District Superintendent is authorized, based upon the needs of the District and guidance from health and government agencies, to direct staff assignments during District closures, including but not limited to essential employees who must report to work, employees who may be reassigned, and employees whose services are not needed.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that access to public school grounds and public school buildings of the District may be limited as directed by the Superintendent during District closures.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified, exempt employees will remain employed during the school closure and until the number of days expressed on the contract have been fulfilled, unless otherwise approved by the Board. Days that contracted employees do not report for duty either onsite if deemed an essential employee; or from a remote location for all other employees due to closure, do not constitute a fulfilled contract day except to the extent those days are forgiven by the District.
BE IT RESOLVED, in the event the temporary closure of East Buchanan CSD is extended past April 12, 2020, the Superintendent is hereby authorized to pay hourly and/or non-exempt, contracted, salaried and management employees their customary and regular pay, for a period extending through the end of the fiscal year during the temporary closure. If the East Buchanan CSD operations continue to be closed through the end of the fiscal year (i.e., later than June 30, 2020), then the Board shall reconvene and determine what authority, if any, the Superintendent has to continue paying contracted, salaried and management employees during the temporary closure.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District has elected to provide voluntary educational enrichment opportunities to students in the district during this period of school closures.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the interest of public health and/or to comply with federal or state health department recommendations or guidance, the Board encourages the public to attend or listen to its open public meetings via telephone or video conference, and the Board may also limit public comment to written comments.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the board reserves the right to adjust board meeting dates, times, and locations during the district-wide emergency closure in a manner consistent with the Open Meetings law, and notes that any or all board members may attend board meetings electronically as permitted by law.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that execution of this Resolution is conclusive evidence of the Board’s approval of this action and of the authority granted herein. The Board warrants that it has, and at the time of this action had, full power and lawful authority to adopt this instrument. This resolution will remain in full force and effect until it is rescinded or amended by subsequent action of the Board.
COVID19 Pandemic Temporary Supplemental Policy Provisions – Motion by Cooksley, second by Stone to approve the 1st reading and waive the 2nd reading of the policy as presented. Second reading is waived because this policy is based on law.
Board Policy Review – 1st Reading: Motion by Stone, second by Cooksley to approve the 1st reading with changes of the 414 policy series. Motion carried with all ayes.
Buccaneer Brag About – The board appreciates the teachers that started working with students right away, the parade throughout the district, the effort put into providing meals to the students, and thanks to Greg and Nickey Witte for taking care of the plants in the greenhouse during this time.
Exempt Session – Motion by Stone, second by Sperfslage to go into exempt session at 6:09 pm to discuss negotiations strategy. Motion by Stone, second by Sperfslage to leave exempt session at 6:15 pm.
Adjourn – Motion was made by Sperfslage, second by Steffens to adjourn the meeting at 6:16 pm. Motion carried with all ayes.
Next regular meeting is scheduled for May 13, 2020 at 5:00 pm.
The above are not official minutes until approved at the next regular board meeting. A copy of the official minutes may be viewed in the office of the Board Secretary any Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.