East Buchanan Community School District
Regular Board Meeting Minutes – June 10, 2020
Call to Order: President Greg Schmitt called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm. The board recited the East Buchanan Mission Statement.
Roll Call: Board members present were Greg Schmitt, Shawn Stone, Scott Cooksley, Andy Sperfslage, and Heather Steffens. Administration attending were Dan Fox, Superintendent/Elementary Principal; Eric Dockstader, MS/HS Principal ; Teresa Knipper, Business Manager/Board Secretary. Several visitors attended.
Approve Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda was made by Stone, second by Cooksley. Motion carried with all ayes.
Approve Consent Agenda: Motion to approve the Consent Agenda was made by Sperfslage, second by Steffens. Motion carried with all ayes. Items included on the Consent Agenda: minutes from the regular meeting on May 13, 2020; financial reports; expenditures listed; transfer of Adam Riniker from at-risk to elementary PE teacher; transfer of Jill Wilgenbusch from 5th/6th grade to special education teacher; resignation of Elleigh McGraw as associate; resignation of Cory Sornson as special education teacher; resignation of Amanda Schueller as prom sponsor; hiring of Heather Huegel as prom sponsor; hiring of Chad Lamker as activities director; and hiring of Suzanne Goeller as 5th/6th science teacher and girls track coach.
Community/Program Presentations: Mike Becker, new general manager at East Buchanan Telephone Company, introduced himself to the board. He explained that they are installing fiber in the area and to let them know if the district needs their assistance with online learning so students have internet access.
Administrative Updates and Reports: Eric Dockstader updated the board on the 6 day period schedule in 2020-2021, explained that Paula McGraw is in contact with students and parents to get schedules set up, and that the handbook will need to be updated due to the 6 period day. Dan Fox talked about how the last PD day involved meeting electronically with each grade level to determine where they ended the year and where they need to begin in the fall and presented the Return to Learn Needs Survey that is being sent out to parents and staff members to help plan for classes in the fall. Mike Kerkove updated the board that the cleaning crew is working, the gym floor is delayed, Larson Construction and KW Electric still have items to complete on the building project, the home economics room is being updated, and presented quotes for a new mower. Hawkeye Alarm will provide a quote for a buzzer on the MS/HS back door and for cameras. Kevin Hesner showed the board the features of the new Chromebooks.
FY21 Cooperative Sharing Agreement – Motion by Stone, second by Sperfslage to approve the cooperative sharing agreement with Independence for boys soccer, girls soccer, and boys bowling. Motion carried with all ayes.
FY21 Milk Bids – Bids were received from Prairie Farms and Anderson Erickson for milk. Motion by Stone, second by Cooksley to accept the bid from Prairie Farms for the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried with all ayes.
FY21 Bread Bids – Bimbo was the only vendor that provided a bid. Pan-O-Gold responded that they would not be providing a bid. Motion was made by Cooksley, second by Steffens to accept the bid from Bimbo Bakeries for the 2020-2021 school year. Motion carried with all ayes.
FY21 Fee Schedule – Motion by Stone, second by Sperfslage to approve the 2020-2021 Fee Schedule. Motion carried with all ayes.
FY20 Retiree Benefits Disbursement Designation: Motion by Sperfslage, second by Stone to approve 100% of the Rule of 88 Payout and 100% of the Sick Payout to be disbursed to a Health Reimbursement Account. Motion carried with all ayes.
Board Resolution to Transfer Funds for Athletic Safety & Protective Equipment – Motion by Cooksley, second by Steffens to approve the resolution as follows: WHEREAS, Iowa Code provides school districts greater flexibility to transfer excess funds to other specified purposes; WHEREASE, the Board, in consultation with its community, has determined that funds of $2,099.85 in the general fund shall be transferred to the student activity fund to purchase protective and safety equipment required for any extracurricular interscholastic athletic contest or competition that is sponsored or administered by an organization ad currently defined by Iowa Code. Motion carried with all ayes.
Activity Fund Interest Allocation: Motion by Steffens, second by Stone to transfer activity fund interest to the athletics account. Motion carried with all ayes.
Class of 2020 Fund Balance Allocation: Motion by Stone, second by Cooksley to allocate the Class of 2020 fund balance equally to the Classes of 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024. Motion carried with all ayes.
FY20 Outstanding Invoices – Motion by Cooksley, second by Steffens to approve the payment of outstanding FY20 invoices on June 30, 2020 for those invoices that were received by June 30, 2020. Motion carried with all ayes.
Buccaneer Brag About – Jake VanScoyoc did a great job with the virtual graduation and thanks to all the committees that have made things work during the shutdown.
Closed Session – Motion was made by Stone, second by Steffens to hold a closed session as authorized by Iowa Code Section 2.15(1)(j) to discuss the purchase or sale of a particular real estate and to evaluate the professional competency of an individual as authorized by Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(i) at 6:48 pm. Roll call to go into closed session: Aye – Schmitt, Stone, Steffens, Sperfslage; Nay – Cooksley. Motion by Stone, second by Sperfslage to return to the open meeting was made at 7:52. Motion carried with all ayes.
Exempt Session – Motion made by Stone, second by Cooksley to hold an exempt session as authorized by Iowa Code Section 21.9 to discuss matters relating to employment conditions of employees not covered by the collective bargaining law was made at 7:52 pm. Motion carried with all ayes. Motion made by Stone, second by Steffens to return to open meeting was made at 8:48 pm. Motion carried with all ayes.
Non-Master Contract Personnel – Motion by Stone, second by Cooksley to follow Dan Fox’s recommendations for salaries of non-master contract personnel. Overall increase was 1.926% for salaries and benefits. Motion carried with all ayes.
Adjourn – Motion was made by Stone, second by Steffens to adjourn the meeting at 8:52 pm. Motion carried with all ayes.
Next regular meeting is scheduled for July 8, 2020 at 5:00 pm.
The above are not official minutes until approved at the next regular board meeting. A copy of the official minutes may be viewed in the office of the Board Secretary any Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.